package ; import java.util.Collection; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import ; import ; import ; import; import ; import ; import ; import; import; import static ; import ; import ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.TimeScape ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.Tp ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.TpTop ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.TDivision ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.Part; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.Vox ; import eu.bandm.tscore.model.Event ; import eu.bandm.tscore.base.Modifiers ; import eu.bandm.tscore.base.Util ; /*DISLOC*/ import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Util.Pairwise ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Util.range_respectingDomainOrder ; import eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.Parser ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.PRIOR1 ; // ?? FIXME PRIOR1 geht nicht ?? import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.PRIORn ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.STORE ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.SEQU ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.CONST ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.Translet.OPT ; import static eu.bandm.tscore.base.TransletLib.parseAndPack_integer_nonNeg ; /** This class represents the use of tscore models for ml's "hook project" * ("HKN-Projekt"). *
* Usage:
* The different classes for different back-ends are derived from this class. * An instance is created with an already raw-parsed {@link TimeScape}, and * (optionally) a {@link Parameters} collection. * Then {@link #update()} is called, which parses all contained voices. * (TpTops are integer with arbitrary subdivisions, and stand for "K-measure-numbers", * with no relation to front-end timing, but possibly printed in the F-score as comments.) *

* Example of a K-Score *

 *   T         1      !         !                   2
 *   VOX v0    p2               p1        p2
 *   VOX v1    M      O         MU        OMO    
 *   VOX v2    MO 'OM U         MUUM                   
* Voice "v0" is a voice containing only "additional pauses" to * support the reception of the intended groupings. (This will be done additionally * to and outside of the Haken expansion process.) *
* Voices "v1" and "v2" are a "Haken-Voices" = "K-Voices". They contain * arbitrary sequences of {@link RelWert}, {@link Haken} and {@link DoppelHaken}. * (= relative values, hooks and double hooks). * They will be selected to control particular parameters when translating to an * executable V-score. *

* First step is to create an {@link Expansion} of a selection of voices. * This is a transformed score where the voices contain RelWert only, at each K-Timepoint * in the union of the selected voices. * For example, the score above can be expanded to *

 *   T         1            !         !                  2
 *   VOX v0    p2                     p1     p2
 *   VOX v1    M            O         M O U  O U M U O  
 *   VOX v2    M U O O U M  U         M O O  U U O O M 
* The rules for this expansion can become complicated and can be further modified * by translation parameters and operators in the source text. * (E.g. the apostrophe in v2 above means: "do not overlap"; * contrarily a tilde means "force overlap".) * For the details see * the project documentation (in German). *

* All further processing is specific to the interpretation of the K-score, * as realized by the subclasses of this class. * It operates only on {@link Expansion#tps} and {@link Expansion#expanded}, which * run in parallel (plus possibly a dedicated "Pause" voice, which assigns articulation * pauses to a subset of the time points). *

* Additionally a voice may contain "pause" events, and the specialized process * may select a particular voice to translate the contained pause events to some * foreground temporal articulation/gap. * (Pauses are meant to occur BEFORE the sound event at the same K-Timepoint.) *
* FIXME ATTENTION do not mix pause events with haken events !? is currently not checked * by the parser ?!?!?! *
*/ public class Score_hkn { /** Control parameters for the raw tscore parsing process.*/ protected static Modifiers modifiers = new Modifiers(); /** FIXME DOC */ protected final String name ; /** String value to be used instead of a voice name, iff no voice is selected * for a particular role. */ public static final String noVoiceSelected = "-" ; /** An infinite list delivering {@link RelWert.M} at every position.*/ public static final List allMedium = new AbstractList(){ @Override public RelWert get(final int i){ return RelWert.M; } @Override public int size(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Parameters to control the expansion process.*/ public static class Parameters { /** Whether to emit a warning when the expansion process must create uneven * distributions of RelWert for a Haken or a DoppelHaken. * Default value is true. */ public boolean warnUnevenHakenDistribution = true ; // overlapIsDefault = aggressive overlap // overlapDisable // strategy for additional Haken segments (middle? extremes?) // voicesPerParameter // graphik: ja/nein // graphik: größen // language/locale } /** Constructor which will use the default controal {@link Parameters}. * @param ts the already raw-parsed time scape. * (Normally the parse result of a tscore source file.) * @param msg drain of all messages. */ public Score_hkn (final String name, final Part tsPart, final MessageReceiver> msg){ this(name, tsPart, msg, new Parameters()); } /** Constructor which will use an explicit parameter setting. * @param ts the already raw-parsed time scape. * (Normally the result of parsing a tscore source file.) * @param msg drain of all messages. * @param parameters to control the parsing and expansion process. */ public Score_hkn (final String name, final Part tsPart, final MessageReceiver> msg, final @Opt Parameters parameters){ = name ; this.tsPart = tsPart ; this.msgr = msg ; this.msg = new SimpleMessage.Sender<>(msgr); if (parameters==null) this.parameters = new Parameters(); else this.parameters = parameters ; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Target of all messages generated by this class.*/ final MessageReceiver> msgr; /** Target of all messages generated by this class.*/ final SimpleMessage.Sender msg; /** The tscore score PART to process. * Normally the result of parsing a tscore source file. */ final Part tsPart ; // PRE 202220819 // /** The time scape tscore score to process. // * Normally the result of parsing a tscore source file. // */ // final TimeScape timescape ; /** The control parameters for the expansion process, etc.*/ final Parameters parameters ; /** Auxiliary functions for sub-classes=specialized formats, to find * a voice for a particular purpose by name. * If not there, write error or warning to global messagereceiver. * @param s1 name of the voice. If ==null or =={@link #noVoiceSelected}, then return null. * @param errorsNotWarnings whether not finding a name (!=null and != noVoiceSelected) * will raise an error, not only a warning. */ protected @Opt Vox findVoice (final @Opt String s1, final boolean errorsNotWarnings /*glo in timescape, noVoiceSelected, msg*/){ if (s1==null) return null ; if (s1.equals(noVoiceSelected)) return null ; return Util.findVoice(tsPart, msgr, errorsNotWarnings, s1); } /** Value returned by {@link #getPauseIndexByIndex(List,Vox,int,int)} if no * valid entry is found. */ public static final int noPauseSelected = -1 ; /** Valid pauses are numbered from 0 to maxPause, with increasing significance. * @return {@link #noPauseSelected} (==-1) for not defined pauses and issue * error message for too large index. * The parser syntax already enyures that pause nubmers are non-negative. */ protected int getPauseIndexByIndex(final List tps, final @Opt Vox vpause, final int i, final int maxPause /*glo in event2pause, out msg */){ if (vpause==null) return noPauseSelected ; final Tp tp = tps.get(i); final @Opt Event ev = vpause.get_sortedByStart().get(tp); if (ev==null) return noPauseSelected ; final @Opt Integer pauseGrade = event2pause.get(ev); if (pauseGrade==null) return noPauseSelected ; assert pauseGrade>=0; if (pauseGrade>maxPause){ msg.error(ev.get_location(), "invalid pause grade %d", pauseGrade); return noPauseSelected ; } return pauseGrade ; } /** Map of numeric entries in tne tsore "T" line to their text, as usual in tscore raw parsing.*/ final Map tp2barnum = new HashMap<>(); /** Inverse of {@link #tp2barnum}, as usual in tscore raw parsing.*/ final SortedMap barnum2tp = new TreeMap<>(Comparators.natural()); /** Semantic attribute of events. */ final Map event2haken = new HashMap<>() ; /** Semantic attribute of events. */ final Map event2doppelHaken = new HashMap<>() ; /** Semantic attribute of events. */ final Map event2relwert = new HashMap<>() ; /** Get Relwert, Haken or DoppelHaken standing with the given event.*/ protected RelWertFolge getRelWertFolge(final Event ev){ RelWertFolge r = event2relwert.get(ev); if (r!=null) return r ; r = event2haken.get(ev); if (r!=null) return r ; r = event2doppelHaken.get(ev); return r ; } /** Get the first RelWert of the entry with the given event.*/ // FIXME kann der null sein ?? assert != null scheint besser !?!? protected @Opt RelWert getRelWertFolge_first (final Event ev){ final @Opt RelWertFolge r = getRelWertFolge(ev); if (r!=null) return r.firstRelWert(); return null ; } /** Semantic attribute of events. Pauses are contained in dedicated voices * and notated as "{@code p0}", "{@code p2}", "{@code p2}", etc., with a * dynamic upper limit and increasing significance. */ final Map event2pause = new HashMap<>() ; /** Semantic attribute of events. Means that the event source text starts with an apostrophe * "{@code &}", what suppresses any overlap with its predecessor. */ final Map event2noOverlap_start = new HashMap<>() ; /** Semantic attribute of events. Means that the event source text starts with a tilde * "{@code ~}", what enforces overlap with its predecessor. */ final Map event2forceOverlap_start = new HashMap<>(); /** Semantic attribute of events. Means that the event source text ends with an apostrophe * "{@code '}", what suppresses any overlap with its successor. */ final Map event2noOverlap_end = new HashMap<>(); /** Semantic attribute of events. Means that the event source text ends with a tilde * "{@code ~}", what enforces overlap with its successor. */ final Map event2forceOverlap_end = new HashMap<>() ; /** Holds all events which start with the same RelWert as their predecssor ends. */ final Set eventCanOverlapAtStart = new HashSet<>(); /** Parser for relwert/haken voices AND pause voices. * Both shall not be mixed. */ // FIXME separate parsers for voice types. final Parser parser = PRIOR1(SEQU(OPT(PRIOR1(STORE(event2noOverlap_start, CONST("'")), STORE(event2forceOverlap_start, CONST("~"))) ), // PRIOR1 geht nicht ??FIXME // FIXME allow symbolic names for Haken/Doppelhaken ???? switch on/off explictly PRIORn(STORE(event2doppelHaken, DoppelHaken.catalog.getParser("de")), STORE(event2haken, Haken.catalog.getParser("de")), STORE(event2relwert, RelWert.catalog.getParser("de")) ), OPT(PRIOR1(STORE(event2noOverlap_end, CONST("'")), STORE(event2forceOverlap_end, CONST("~"))) ) ), SEQU(CONST("p"), STORE(event2pause, parseAndPack_integer_nonNeg)), CONST("-") ); /** Translate untyped tscore data into semantically defined values. *

  1. Parse all voices into the maps {@link event2relwert}, * {@link event2haken}, {@link event2doppelHaken}, * and additionally "event2(no/force)overlap_(start/end)". *
  2. Calculate time instances for ALL tps into two global caches * (forward and backward, {@link tp2rat} and {@link rat2tp}.) * TpTops are integer constants with arbitrary subdivisions, and stand for * "abstract bar numbers", not for any concrete time domain or front-end measures. * All Tps are linked to a Rational. */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- public void update (/*GLO timescape*/){ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRE 20220819 // final int partcount = timescape.get_parts().size() ; // if (partcount!=1){ // msg.error("currently only files containing exactly one(1) PART are supported"); // return ; // } // final Part firstPart = the(timescape.get_parts().values()); Util.parseTpTops (msgr, modifiers, tsPart, // firstPart, tp2barnum, barnum2tp, parseAndPack_integer_nonNeg, // TpTops are labeled with non-neg integers. Util.checkIncreasing(), Util.checkNotDecreasing() ) ; for (Vox v : tsPart/*timescape*/.get_voices().values()) Util.parseParamTrack (msgr, v, Event.main_parameter_name, "", parser, modifiers); for (Vox v : tsPart/*timescape*/.get_voices().values()) for (Event e : v.get_events()) Util.getRationalValue_lenient (Functions.compose(Functions.get(tp2barnum), (Integer i) -> Rational.valueOf(i) ), tp2rat, e.get_when(), rat2tp); for (Vox v : tsPart/*timescape*/.get_voices().values()) Util.unifyEventTimesByScalarValue(rat2tp, Functions.get(tp2rat), v); }//update // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Maps all time points to rationals, als usual in tscore raw parsing. * (The rational time values of these K-Voices have no significance beyond * their sequential order.) */ final Map tp2rat = new HashMap() ; /** Inverse of {@link #tp2rat}, as usualin tscore raw parsing.*/ final SortedMap rat2tp = new TreeMap() ; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** An expansion is a collection of voices which contain only RelWert instead * of Haken and DoppelHaken. It is characterized by a selection of voices, * because the disjunction/union of all Tps in these voices will be mapped to a * {@link RelWert}. *

    * ADDITIONAL Tps may be synthesized, if necessary. All Tps are found in {@link #tps}. * The corresponding expanded data is {@link #expanded}. *

    * For convenience of the calling code, which realizes * the specific interpretation of a bundle of voices for different parameters, * a voice reference==null may be included, which means that no voice has been assigned * to a particular parameter. This will be excluded before any procesing. *

    * Usage: Create an instance (giving all voices to take part) * and call {@link #expand()}. * The subsequent application-specific evaluations work exclusively on * {@link #tps} and {@link #expanded}, which run in parallel. */ public class Expansion { /*GLO IN rat2tp, tp2rat, msg, event2.., .. */ /** All time points taking part in this Expansion. * The list is a subset of all Tps occuring in the tscore, as given by {@link #tp2rat}. * Synthesized new Tp-s are entered there and here. */ public final List tps = new ArrayList<>(); /** All voices taking part in this expansion, as given finally on constrcution. * (No null is contained) */ public final Set voices ; /** Main result of expansion: a list of expanded RelWert per Vox. * Those lists run all in parallel (same index = same event) and in * parallel with {@link #tps}. */ public final Map> expanded = new HashMap<>(); // FIXME pause !?!? /** Flag that the expanded values are valid.*/ protected boolean isExpanded = false ; /** Temporary set of Tps before which one additional tp must be synthesized * for the expansion of a Haken. */ Set oneMore; /** Temporary set of Tps before which two additional tp-s must be synthesized * for the expansion of a Haken. */ Set twoMore ; /** Temporary set of Tps before which an additional tp must be synthesized, * or indeterminstically before its successor. */ Set oneMoreOrNext ; /** Gives the set of voices, the data and time points of which shall be considered. * For convenience of the calle, the set may contain the value null which will be removed. */ public Expansion (final Set<@Opt Vox> voices){ this.voices=voices ; voices.remove(null); } /** Gives the set of voices, the data and time points of which shall be considered. * For convenience of the calle, the set may contain the value null which will be removed. */ public Expansion (final @Opt Vox... voices){ this(new HashSet(asList(voices))); } /** Auxiliary print of all voices and their values, for debugging and demonstration.*/ public void dump (final PrintStream os){ os.print(" "); os.print("expansion of "); final int s = tps.size(); for (final Vox v : voices) os.print (v.get_name()+" "); os.println(); for (int i=0; iadditional synthetic time points as needed for the expansion * of a Haken. * The time points are inserted in the network of TDivision, (which is global to the * underlying t-score) and in the local list {@link #tps}. *
    * Every new time point gets its rational value (in {@link #tp2rat}, which always * matters only w.r.t. the sequential order. *

    * ATTENTION: Tps created here are NOT related to Tps in other, parallel K-voices, * even of the same configuration. (This will not do any harm as long as they * will be evaluated K-voice by K-voice, when generating the V-voices.) * @param it is an output parameter used for changing the list {@link #tps}. * It is the {@link ListIterator} contolled by {@link Pairwise} and * currently (on entering this method) points to the successor of the later item "tp1". * It is used for inserting in to the underlying list of time points by * {@link ListIterator.add(Object)}, but reset to its entering value when returing. * @param tp0 after which the synthetic tp-s shall be entered. * @param tp1 on call time: the successor of tp0 = the node before which the * synthetic tp-s shall be entered. * @param cnt number by which the interval tp1-tp0 shall be divided, * i.e. one larger than the number of new synthetic nodes. */ protected void makeTps (final ListIterator it, final Tp tp0, final Tp tp1, final int cnt){ assert cnt>1 ; // Go back to point to tp1, for the calls to "ListIterator.add[before](Object)": it.previous(); final TDivision div = tp0.makeDivision(tp1,cnt, true); for (int i = 0; i0) it.add(newtp); } // Reconstruct the state when entering the method = point behind tp1:; } /** * Translates sybolic input voices (="K-Voices", containing RelWert, Haken and * Doppelhaken references as their events) to sequences of RelWert, * for a set of K-voices which together define one instrument. * (Pauses contained in a voice are ignored.) *

    1. First collect all tps appearing in any event in any voice. *
    2. Then synthesize additional time points for hook expansion, if necessary. * The final sequence of Tps will be contained in {@link #tps}. *
    3. Finally expand the haken and doppelhaken in the K-voices into sequences of RelWert, * which will be contained in {@link #expanded}. *
    * This method may only be called once, which is controlled by the flag {@link #isExpanded}. * @throws IllegalStateException if called twice. */ protected void expand(){ if (isExpanded) throw new IllegalStateException("Expansion is already expanded."); isExpanded = true ; final Set tpTemp = new HashSet<>(); // collect a set of time points which occur in any voice for (Vox v : voices){ assert v!=null; collectTps(tpTemp, v); } // FIXME pointfree Iterator.filter !?! // make an ordered list of time points, based on that set. for (final Tp tp : range_respectingDomainOrder(rat2tp)) if (tpTemp.contains(tp)) tps.add(tp); final Tp lastTp = tps.get(tps.size()-1); for (final Vox v : voices){ if (!event2relwert.containsKey(v.get_sortedByStart().get(lastTp))) msg.error(lastTp.get_location(), // FIXME better: location of LATEST event in voice !? "all voices must end with a RelWert event on the very last time point."); } oneMore = new HashSet<>(); twoMore = new HashSet<>(); oneMoreOrNext = new HashSet<>(); // copy all "noOverlap_end" to "noOverlap_start", after consistency check. // copy all "forceOverlap_start" to "forceOverlap_end", after consistency check. for (final Vox v : voices) new Pairwise(Util.voiceEvents(v, tps)){ @Override public void pairwise(final Event ev0, final Event ev1){ if (event2noOverlap_end.containsKey(ev0)) if (event2forceOverlap_start.containsKey(ev1)) msg.error (ev0.get_location(), "no overlap at end of event conflicts with force overlap at start of successor."); else event2noOverlap_start.put(ev1, "INH"); final boolean forceOverlap_start = event2forceOverlap_start.containsKey(ev1) ; if (forceOverlap_start) if (event2noOverlap_end.containsKey(ev0)) msg.error (ev0.get_location(), "no overlap at end of event conflicts force overlap at start of successor."); else event2forceOverlap_end.put(ev0, "INH"); final RelWertFolge w0 = getRelWertFolge(ev0); final RelWertFolge w1 = getRelWertFolge(ev1); if (w0!=null && w1!=null){ // FIXME there may be "-" event ? if (w0.lastRelWert()==w1.firstRelWert()) eventCanOverlapAtStart.add(ev1); else if (forceOverlap_start || event2forceOverlap_end.containsKey(ev0)){ event2forceOverlap_end.remove(ev1); msg.error(ev0.get_location(), "force overlap conflicts with value difference"); } } }}.process(); for (final Vox v : voices) collectAdditionalTpRequirements(v); new Pairwise(tps.listIterator()){ /** Insert two or one before the later time point, if this is required by the collected * sets, and remove this and its predecessor from "oneMoreOrNext". So the * deterministic insertion requests remove the non-deterministic they cover. *

    * ATTENTION: the called makeTps(...) assumes that listIterator * (controlled by {@link Pairwise}) points currently to the successor of tp1. */ @Override public void pairwise(final Tp tp0, final Tp tp1){ if (twoMore.contains(tp1)){ makeTps (lit, tp0, tp1, 3); oneMore.remove(tp1); oneMoreOrNext.remove(tp1); oneMoreOrNext.remove(tp0); } else if (oneMore.contains(tp1)){ makeTps (lit, tp0, tp1, 2); oneMoreOrNext.remove(tp1); oneMoreOrNext.remove(tp0); } } }.process(); new Pairwise(tps.listIterator()){ boolean lastSelected = false ; /** Insert one tp AFTER all tps which are still in "oneMoreOrNext" and which * do not get a tp BEFORE them, because their predecessors got one after. */ @Override public void pairwise(final Tp tp0, final Tp tp1){ // predecessor wants before or after; gets after: if (lastSelected){ makeTps (lit, tp0, tp1, 2); lastSelected=false; } // predecessor has NOT got one after, but tp1 wants one before or after; gets after: else if (oneMoreOrNext.contains(tp1)) lastSelected=true; } }.process(); // calculate the expanded sequence of RelWerts: for (Vox v : voices){ final List<@Opt RelWert> result = new ArrayList<>(tps.size()); expanded.put(v, result); expandHaken(v, result); } }//expand /** Collect all Tps of all events of the given voice into one set.*/ protected void collectTps (final /*OUT*/Set res, final Vox v){ // use JAVA8 Streams !?! for (final Event e:v.get_events()) res.add(e.get_when()); } /** Collect all requirements of additional Tps into global output registers. * (The actual generation of these time points is done after all voices have benn * asked.) * The necessity is calculated by the distance to the preceding Haken, measures in * (currently exisitng) time points. * Examples of K-tps and K-events for the necessity to synthesize time points: *

         *       0    1    2    3
         *       M    M    M    M
         *       OM             O   => dist>=3 => nothing required.
         *       OM        M        => dist=2 and overlap =>  nothing required.
         *       OM        O        => dist=2 and no overlap => require 1 additional before pos 1 
         *                                          OR or 1 additional before pos 2, NOT DETERMIN!
         *       OM   M             => dist=1 and overlap =>  require 1 additional before pos 1
         *       OM   O             => dist=1 and no overlap =>  require 2 additional before pos 1 
         *       OM   'MU           => dto., overlap explicitly forbidden.
    * Has only any effect if distance from a Haken to its successor K-event is <=2. * In this case "overlapping" is considered true, if the values permit * and not forbidden by {@link #event2noOverlap_start}. *

    * Attention: Currently only Haken, not * {@link DoppelHaken} do cause additional Timepoints * to be synthesized. (The degree of freedom with overlapping DoppelHaken can become * so large that humans cannot control the consequences anymore!-) */ protected void collectAdditionalTpRequirements (final Vox v /*GLO IN tps, event2haken, event2relwert event2noOverlap_start, eventCanOverlapAtStart, GLO OUT oneMore, twoMore, oneMoreOrNext*/){ int lastHakenDist = 1000 ; Haken lastHaken = null ; Tp lasttp = null ; for (final Tp tp : tps){ lastHakenDist++; final Event ev = v.get_sortedByStart().get(tp); if (ev==null){ lasttp=tp; continue ; // lastHakenDist has been incremented! } if (lastHakenDist<=2){ assert lastHaken!=null; assert lasttp!=null; final boolean overlap = (!event2noOverlap_start.containsKey(ev)) && eventCanOverlapAtStart.contains(ev) ; if (lastHakenDist==2){ if (!overlap) oneMoreOrNext.add(lasttp); } else // lastHakenDist==1 (overlap?oneMore:twoMore).add(tp); } final @Opt Haken haken = event2haken.get(ev); lastHaken = haken ; lastHakenDist = (haken!=null) ? 0 : 1000 ; lasttp = tp ; }//for } /** Returns a list of {@link RelWert} values by copying these from the K-voice * input and translating all {@link Haken} and {@link DoppelHaken} into these. * Input is a list of {@link Tp} (time points) which are all time points which have * to be filled, i.e. after additionally required Tps have been synthesized. * The expansion process will generate overlaps iff it is necessary by missing space * or explicitly requested by {@link event2forceOverlap_end}. * @param v the voice to expand. For convenience of the calling code, which realizes * the specific interpretation of a bundle of voices for different parameters, * a value v==null means that no voice has been assigned to a particular parameter * and a sequence of {@link RelWert#M} of the approriate length is returned. */ protected void expandHaken (/*glo in tps*/ final Vox v, final /*out*/ List result){ RelWert run_wert = RelWert.M ; // Delay the expansion of a haken until the next event with some data is found: @Opt Event pending_haken_event = null ; @Opt RelWertFolge pending_haken_cmd = null ; // Numer of time points since the pending haken event: int haken_length = 0 ; for (final Tp tp : tps){ final @Opt Event e = v.get_sortedByStart().get(tp); final @Opt RelWert w = (e==null) ? null : event2relwert.get(e); final @Opt Haken h = (e==null) ? null : event2haken.get(e); final @Opt DoppelHaken d = (e==null) ? null : event2doppelHaken.get(e); if (pending_haken_event!=null && (w!=null || h!=null || d!=null)){ final boolean forceOverlap = event2forceOverlap_end.containsKey(pending_haken_event); if (pending_haken_cmd instanceof DoppelHaken) flushPendingDoppelHaken(result, haken_length, pending_haken_event, forceOverlap, eventCanOverlapAtStart.contains(e)); else flushPendingHaken(result, haken_length, pending_haken_event, forceOverlap); pending_haken_event = null; } if (w!=null) run_wert = w ; if (h!=null || d!=null){ pending_haken_event = e ; pending_haken_cmd = (h==null) ? d : h ; haken_length = 0 ; } if (pending_haken_event==null) result.add(run_wert); else haken_length++ ; }//for if (pending_haken_event!=null) if (pending_haken_cmd instanceof Haken) flushPendingHaken(result, haken_length, pending_haken_event, false); else flushPendingDoppelHaken(result, haken_length, pending_haken_event, false, false); } /** Expand the last recognized {@link Haken} to a sequence of single "O/M/U" * {@link RelWert} events, * Fills the time from its start up to "currentPos", because the * next haken/event (or the end of input) is reached in the K-voice (=symbolic input voice). * An overlap is only done when forced by explicit K-Input (reflected in parameter * "forceOverlap") or if space is <3. * @param result the list of RelWert, grown exaxtly to the start point of the Haken to expand. * @param length the number of tp to realize this Haken * @param haken the event which carries this haken info (for getting location and form * of Haken) * @param forceOverlap if overlap requested explicitly by the tscore input. */ protected void flushPendingHaken (final List result, final int length, final @Opt Event haken, final boolean forceOverlap /*mayoverlap has been checked by tp-synthesis*/ ){ if (haken==null) // FIXME kann raus !?! return ; final int startMiddle, startLast ; if (forceOverlap){ startMiddle = length / 2 ; startLast = length ; // = the last segment will not be added by this call. } else { final int min = length / 3 ; final int rest = length % 3 ; if ((rest !=0) && length!=2) // = "2" means an overlap, by intention. if (parameters.warnUnevenHakenDistribution) msg.warning(haken.get_location(), "Haken expansion not a multiple of three(3): "+length); startMiddle = min + (rest>1 ? 1 : 0) ; // first part gets second superfluous startLast = startMiddle + min + (rest>0 ? 1 : 0) ; //middle gets first superfluous } final Haken h = event2haken.get(haken); int i = 0 ; RelWert r = h.getFirst(); while (i++ * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 * MUM M overlap * M O U O M * MUM 'M no overlap * M O U O M M * MUUM M overlap * M O U U O M * MUUM 'M no overlap * M O U U O M M * * No additional space has been synthesized (as for Haken), but parallel K-voices must * provide the required space. * An overlap is forced by explicit notation in the K-voice input * or can be caused by lack of space (NOT IMPLEMENTED FIXME) * @param result where to put the expansion RelWert * @param length how many Tp-s will be filled by the expansion * @param doppelhaken the Event, for getting Location and form of DoppelHaken * @param forceOverlap whether the K-voice input contains the operator "tilde" for * the end of the DoppelHaken, as in "MOM~". * @param mayOverlap whether the DoppelHaken ends with the same RelWert as its successor * begins. */ protected void flushPendingDoppelHaken (final List result, final int length, final @Opt Event doppelhaken, final boolean forceOverlap, final boolean mayOverlap){ if (doppelhaken==null) return ; final DoppelHaken h = event2doppelHaken.get(doppelhaken); final boolean internalOverlap = h.doesOverlap(); final int prefix = 4 + (internalOverlap ? 0 : 1) ; // = the length of the DoppelHaken without the very last RelWert final boolean doOverlap = forceOverlap || ((prefix==length)&&mayOverlap) ; final int segs = prefix + (doOverlap ? 0 : 1); if (segs>length){ msg.error(doppelhaken.get_location(), "not enough space for DoppelHaken: has %d, needs %d", length, segs); for (int i=0;i0) if (parameters.warnUnevenHakenDistribution) msg.warning(doppelhaken.get_location(), "DoppelHaken expansion has an unregular rest: "+length); int seg0 = segLength, seg1 = segLength, seg2 = segLength, seg3 = internalOverlap ? 0 : segLength, seg4 = segLength, seg5 = doOverlap? 0 : segLength ; if (rest-->0) // rest 5 4 3 2 1 seg2++; if (rest-->0) // rest 4 3 2 1 seg1++; if (rest-->0) // rest 3 2 1 seg4++; if (rest-->0) // rest 2 1 seg0++; if (rest-->0) // rest 1 --> all 6 segments do exist! seg5++; final Haken f = h.getFirst(); dhPut (result, f.getFirst(), seg0); dhPut (result, f.getMiddle(), seg1); dhPut (result, f.getLast(), seg2); final Haken l = h.getLast(); dhPut (result, l.getFirst(), seg3); dhPut (result, l.getMiddle(), seg4); dhPut (result, l.getLast(), seg5); }// flushPendingDoppelHaken /** Put one segement of a DoppelHaken * @param result where to add. * @param v the value to add. * @param c number of positions to add, maybe == null. */ protected void dhPut (final List result, final RelWert v, final int c){ for (int i=0;i